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Feeling Raw?

raw dog food

What's best than raw food to feed your dog? It contain no chemicals or artificial flavours but only natural ingredients that your dog loves!

Feed your Dog with the very best Raw Dog Food

We stock very high quality dog food from leading brands like Nutriment, Natures Menu, Natural Instinct... Choose the best raw food diet for your dog amongst our selection of Cotswold Sausages, Benyfit Natural complete food diet & many others.

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Keep it in the can..

canned & tins

Canned or tins of dog food has its own advantages as well, it has a very high water content which often means your pooch can enjoy a larger portion per meal to provide the same number of calories as an equivalent portion of kibble.

Some dogs prefer the palatability of canned food over kibble. We stock very high quality canned dog food from leading brands. Choose the best canned food for your dog amongst our selection.

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Easy and good for teeth!


Dry food ensures your dog chews their food rater than gulping, which helps prevent tartar buildup and has dental health benefits.

We cant talk about dry food with out mentioning convenience: Compared to wet food, dry food is easier to pre-portion and serve. plus it doesn't spoil if is left out all day.

This can be beneficial for dogs that are grazers or those left at home for any period of time during the day.

We stock very high quality complete dry dog food from leading brands. Choose the best dry food for your dog amongst our selection.

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